Predict demand

Godzin AI predicts and prescribes cross-selling, up-selling and new customer acquisition opportunities.

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    Your current state

    You win about 5% of all your leads and clients on average. You could win substantially more by knowing where the demand exists, for what and by how much.

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    Godzin AI organizes and analyzes your CRM and other sales & marketing data to identify characteristics of successful and unsuccessful clients, leads and products.

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    It formulates mathematical models that accurately predict and prescribe cross-selling, up-selling and new customer acquisition opportunities and purchase likelihoods.

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    Demand prioritization

    It finally recommends the high priority customers and leads + the products and strategies to win them. Godzin AI has proven to increase client win rates by 3x and 6x for its Fortune 500 customers.

Retain customers

Godzin AI detects behaviors that are red flags for churn.

  • Predict and reduce churn

    Your CRM and other sales & marketing data has information about all the customers and leads you won and lost over the past years. In addition, it also has data on the customers that have churned and their past interactions with your organization. This is the key ingredient that is used to model churn classification models that detects certain behaviors and patterns that are red flags for churn. It also recommends retention strategies that have worked in the past to retain customers.

  • churn prediction